Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Easy Believism Is Wrong

I thought I would take a break from my A-Z blog challenge to talk about something that my Dad and I have been reading in our weekly Bible/ book study.  Easy believism says that if one accepts Christ as Savior, it's not necessary to embrace Him as Lord. Simply put, this is heresy!  Scripture says in Romans 10:9a, " that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. " Scripture doesn't lie folks! Jesus is Lord! Now that we've established this, we can look at Romans 10:13 which says, "...whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."  This easy believism also encourages being a "carnal" Christian.  More heresy!!  Ephesians 2:1 tells us that we were DEAD in our sins, but Christ made us ALIVE.  In verses 8-9 the Bible tells us, "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works lest anyone should boast."  WITHOUT JESUS AS OUR LORD AND SAVIOR, WE WILL DO NOTHING BUT SIN!  In verse 10 it says that, "we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."  The reality is that if we don't embrace Christ as Lord and choose to be a "carnal" Christian, we aren't taking up our crosses (like Luke 9:23 instructs us), we aren't following Christ, and we aren't saved!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

E is for Evidence Against Evolution

Where do I begin! There is so much I could write! Let's start out simple. I'm going to share two reasons why evolution can't be true and at the same time give evidence for the God of the Bible creating everything by His powerful word.

1.     Venus' (the planet) rotation.
If the "Big Bang" theory was true, everything would be propelled into the same direction in their rotation, but Venus and a few other planets rotate the wrong way! They rotate the opposite way than every other planet because that's the way GOD made it.

2.     Earth's magnetic field.

The earth's magnetic field continually protects us from solar and stellar radiation that would continually cause damage to life.  Thus, it's presence is essential to life.  Studies have been done that show since 1835 the magnetive force of the earth has decreased by 7% giving it a half life of 1,400 years meaning that "in 1,400 years it will be one-half as strong, in 2,800 years it will be one-fourth as strong, and so on.  There will be a time not many thousands of years distant when the field will be too small to perform as a viable shield for the earth.  Calculating back into the past, the present measurements indicate that 1,400 years ago the field was twice as strong. It continues doubling each 1,400 years back, until about 10,000 years ago it would've been so strong the planet would've disintegrated.........The inescapable conclusion we can draw is that the earth must be fewer than 10,000 years old."*  There are countless more facts that can be used to prove the falseness of evoluton, and even though evolutionists will try to make us believe otherwise, we know that our all-powerful God created these facts, and others, to show just a teeny-tiny bit of His power and glory.     Our God is amazing!!!


*Taken from Dr. John Morris' column in the magazine: Acts & Facts 
**Picture taken from Eddie Eddings' blog: Calvinistic Cartoons -- www.calvinisticcartoons.blogspot.com